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merriam webster

2 Translation results for fly in Spanish

verb | noun

fly verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flew, has flown, is flying, flies
volar (dícese de los pájaros, etc.); pilotar (un avión), hacer volar (una cometa); volar (dícese de los aviones), ir en avión (dícese de los pasajeros); flotar, ondear; huir, escapar; correr, irse volando; pasar (volando)
word of the day image
A man flying through the air

Example sentences of
fly verb

  • My daughter and I will fly to India next summer.
  • A bird flew in through the open window.

Synonyms of
fly verb

fly noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
mosca; bragueta (de pantalones, etc.)

Example sentences of
fly noun

  • The buzzing of the fly was such a nuisance.

Related phrases for fly

Reverse translation for fly

volar  (dícese de los pájaros, etc.) - to blow up, to demolish, to fly, to irritate, to hurry, to rush, to spread, to disappear 
pilotar  (un avión) - to pilot, to drive 
hacer volar  (una cometa)
volar  (dícese de los aviones) - to blow up, to demolish, to fly, to irritate, to hurry, to rush, to spread, to disappear 
ir en avión  (dícese de los pasajeros)
flotar  - to float 
ondear  - to ripple, to undulate, to flutter 
huir  - to escape, to flee, to get away 
escapar  - to escape, to flee, to run away 
correr  - to run, to race, to travel over, to cover, to move, to slide, to roll, to draw (curtains), to rush, to flow 
pasar  (volando) - to pass, to give, to pass, to go by, to come by, to pass (a test), to come in, to enter, to happen, to go over, to cross, to manage, to get by, to spend (time), to tolerate, to be over, to end, to go through, to suffer, to show (a movie, etc.), to overtake, to 
mosca  - fly 
bragueta  (de pantalones, etc.) - fly, pants zipper 
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