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2 Translation results for feat in Spanish

noun | adjective

feat noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
proeza, hazaña

Example sentences of
feat noun

  • The performer is known for her astonishing acrobatic feats.
  • She displayed an exceptional feat of strength.
  • Writing that whole report in one night was quite a feat.
  • It was no mean feat.

Synonyms of
feat noun

Detailed synonyms for feat noun

Feat, exploit, achievement significan una acción notable.
  • Feat se aplica a una acción caracterizada por la fuerza, la destreza o la temeridad <the feat of crossing the Atlantic in a balloon>.
  • Exploit connota una acción intrépida, brillante o heroica <his celebrated exploits as a spy>.
  • Achievement indica un éxito que se ha obtenido con mucho esfuerzo ante gran dificultad u oposición <honored for her achievements as a chemist>.
    antonyms: failure

feat adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
hazaña, proeza, hito

Reverse translation for feat

proeza  - feat, exploit 
hazaña  - feat, exploit