Translation and English learning by Britannica
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2 Translation results for disparada in English

adjetivo | verbo

disparado adjetivo

to take off in a hurry, to rush away

disparar verbo

to shoot; to shoot, to fire; to pay; to treat to, to buy

Reverse translation for disparada

to shoot  - disparar (con un arma de fuego), disparar, tirar, ir rápidamente, pegarle un tiro a, darle un balazo a, lanzar (una pelota, etc.), echar (una mirada), fotografiar, filmar 
to fire  - encender, animar, avivar, despedir (de un trabajo), disparar, cocer (cerámica) 
to pay  - pagar (una cuenta, a un empleado, etc.), valer la pena 
to buy  - comprar 
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