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merriam webster

1 Translation result for disengage in Spanish


disengage verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
disengaged, has disengaged, is disengaging, disengages
soltar, desconectar (un mecanismo)

Example sentences of
disengage verb

  • The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before disengaging and leaping apart.
  • Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal.
  • If there is a malfunction, the gears will automatically disengage.

Reverse translation for disengage

soltar  - to let go of, to drop, to release, to set free, to loosen, to slacken 
desconectar  (un mecanismo) - to disconnect, to switch off, to unplug 
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