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2 Translation results for depressed in Spanish

adjective | verb

depressed adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
deprimido, abatido; en crisis (dícese de la economía)

Example sentences of
depressed adjective

  • The rainy weather had her feeling lonely and depressed.
  • He was depressed about having to return to school.
  • The new drug is being tested on a group of severely depressed patients.
  • They are living in a depressed area.
  • The patient has a somewhat depressed appetite.
  • Prices have remained at a depressed level.

Synonyms of
depressed adjective

Detailed synonyms for depressed adjective

See: Downcast

depress verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
depressed, has depressed, is depressing, depresses
apretar, presionar, pulsar; reducir, hacer bajar (precios, ventas, etc.); deprimir, abatir, entristecer; depreciar

Example sentences of
depress verb

  • The news seemed to depress him a little.
  • I don't mean to depress you, but there's no way we can win.
  • We were all depressed by the loss.
  • You shouldn't let this kind of problem depress you.
  • These changes could depress the economy.
  • Market conditions are likely to depress earnings in the next quarter.
  • depressing the price of a stock
  • Slowly depress the car's brake pedal.
  • Depress the “shift” key on your keyboard.
  • The doctor will depress your tongue and look at your throat.

Synonyms of
depress verb

Reverse translation for depressed

deprimido  - depressed, (informal) down in the dumps, (place) sunken 
abatido  - dejected, depressed 
en crisis  (dícese de la economía)
apretar  - to press, to push, to press, to push (a button), to tighten, to fit tightly, to be too tight, to squeeze 
presionar  - to pressure, to put on the pressure, to press, to push 
pulsar  - to beat, to throb, to press, to push, to strike (a key), to assess 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
hacer bajar  (precios, ventas, etc.)
deprimir  - to depress, to lower 
abatir  - to demolish, to knock down, to shoot down, to depress, to bring low 
entristecer  - to sadden 
depreciar  - to depreciate, to reduce the value of