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1 Translation result for crisper in Spanish


crisp adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
crujiente, crocante; firme, fresco; vivaz, alegre; vigorizante

Example sentences of
crisp adjective

  • The fish is fried until crisp.
  • I put on a crisp shirt and tie.
  • The stereo's sound is crisp and clear.

Synonyms of
crisp adjective

Reverse translation for crisper

crujiente  - crunchy, crisp 
crocante  - crunchy 
firme  - firm, resolute, steady, stable, steadfast 
fresco  - fresh, cool, insolent, nervy 
vivaz  - lively, vivacious, clever, sharp, perennial 
alegre  - glad, cheerful, colorful, bright, tipsy 
vigorizante  - invigorating 
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