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merriam webster

1 Translation result for creaming in Spanish


cream verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
creamed, has creamed, is creaming, creams
batir, mezclar (azucar y mantequilla, etc.); preparar (alimentos) con crema

Example sentences of
cream verb

  • Cream the butter and sugar, and then add the eggs.
  • the head-on collision creamed the brand-new car in an instant

Synonyms of
cream verb

Reverse translation for creaming

batir  - to beat, to hit, to defeat, to mix, to beat, to break (a record) 
mezclar  (azucar y mantequilla, etc.) - to mix, to blend, to mix up, to muddle, to involve 
preparar con crema  (alimentos) - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
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