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2 Translation results for come out of in Spanish

verb | verb

come out of verb

unfavorite favorite
salir de; debitar, sacar

come out verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
salir, aparecer, publicarse

Example sentences of
come out verb

  • In the end everything came out OK.
  • Come out, come out wherever you are!

Reverse translation for come out of

debitar  - to debit 
sacar  - to kick off (in soccer or football), to pull out, to take out, to get, to obtain, to serve (in sports), to get out, to extract, to stick out, to bring out, to pull off, to introduce 
salir  - to go out, to come out, to get out, to set out, to leave, to depart, to appear, to project, to stick out, to cost, to come to, to turn out, to prove, to come up, to occur 
aparecer  - to appear, to show up, to turn up, to be found 
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