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2 Translation results for chases in Spanish

noun | verb

chase noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
persecución, caza

Synonyms of
chase noun

chase verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
chased, has chased, is chasing, chases
perseguir, ir a la caza de; ahuyentar, echar; grabar (metales)

Example sentences of
chase verb

  • He chased the dog out of the garden.

Detailed synonyms for chase verb

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Reverse translation for chases

persecución  - pursuit, chase, persecution 
caza  - hunt, hunting, game, fighter plane 
perseguir  - to pursue, to chase, to persecute, to pester, to annoy 
ahuyentar  - to scare away, to chase away, to banish, to dispel 
echar  - to start off, to throw, to cast, to hurl, to throw out, to expel, to emit, give off, to sprout, to put forth, to fire, to dismiss, to put in, to add 
grabar  (metales) - to engrave, to record, to tape