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1 Translation result for carnal in Spanish


carnal adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
carnal adjective

  • the preacher warned that those who were interested only in carnal pursuits would not see the kingdom of heaven
  • a missionary who tends to the carnal needs of the people as well as to their spiritual concerns

Synonyms of
carnal adjective

Detailed synonyms for carnal adjective

Carnal, fleshly, sensual significan que tiene origen en o es orientado hacia lo físico.
  • Carnal puede significar esto solamente, pero con mayor frecuencia acarrea cierta connotación de una acción o manifestación de la naturaleza inferior de una persona <these carnal pleasures only ended up deepening his depression>.
    antonyms: spiritual, intellectual
  • Fleshly similar en su significado, es un poco menos peyorativo que carnal <a 4th-century saint who wrote at length on his fleshly temptations>.
  • Sensual se puede aplicar a cualquier gratificación de un deseo o placer físico, pero comúnmente insinúa apetito sexual o satisfacción física <the city seemed to offer every kind of sensual delight>.
    antonyms: spiritual

Reverse translation for carnal

carnal  - carnal 
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