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merriam webster

1 Translation result for by the skin of one's teeth in Spanish

by the skin of one's teeth

unfavorite favorite
a duras penas

Example sentences of
by the skin of one's teeth

  • Teenagers survived drowning by the skin of their teeth thanks to a rapid response from the nearby lifeguard.
  • The team won the national championship by the skin of its teeth following a very difficult season.
¿De donde viene esta frase?
  • By the skin of my teeth es una traducción literal de una frase poco clara en hebreo, que aparece en el Libro de Job (19:20) en el contexto de un escape salvado por los pelos de miseria o peligro. Se usa en inglés hoy en día para describir un escape como ese. Ejemplo: Enemy forces nearly captured him, but he managed to cross into friendly territory by the skin of his teeth.

Reverse translation for by the skin of one's teeth

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