Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for buscado in English


buscar verbo

to look, to search; to look for, to seek; to pick up, to collect; to provoke

Reverse translation for buscado

to look  - mirar, buscar, parecer 
to search  - registrar (un edificio, un área), cachear (a una persona), buscar en 
to look for  - esperar, buscar 
to seek  - buscar, solicitar, pedir 
to collect  - acumularse, juntarse, recopilar, reunir, recoger, coleccionar, juntar, congregarse, reunirse, cobrar (una deuda), recaudar (un impuesto), cobrar, percibir (un sueldo, etc.) 
to provoke  - provocar 
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