Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for arrastrando in English


arrastrar verbo

to drag, to tow; to hang down, to trail; to draw, to attract

Reverse translation for arrastrando

to drag  - arrastrar, jalar, arrastrarse, dragar, rezagarse 
to tow  - remolcar 
to trail  - arrastrar, arrastrarse, perseguir, seguir la pista de, quedarse atrás, retrasarse 
to draw  - tirar, jalar, correr (cortinas), dibujar, trazar, atraer, provocar, suscitar, aspirar, sacar, extraer, cobrar (un sueldo, etc.), tensar (un arco), empatar (en deportes), formular, llegar a 
to attract  - atraer 
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