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1 Translation result for accelerates in Spanish


accelerate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
accelerated, has accelerated, is accelerating, accelerates
acelerar (dícese de un carro); acelerar, apresurar
word of the day image
Sports cars accelerate quickly.

Example sentences of
accelerate verb

  • She stepped on the gas and the car accelerated.
  • The plane accelerated down the runway.
  • She stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.
  • He says that cutting taxes will help to accelerate economic growth.
  • The rate of economic growth has continued to accelerate.

Reverse translation for accelerates

acelerar  (dícese de un carro) - to accelerate (of an automobile), to accelerate, to speed up, to expedite 
acelerar  - to accelerate (of an automobile), to accelerate, to speed up, to expedite 
apresurar  - to quicken, to speed up 
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