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5 Translation results for a lot in Spanish

adverb | pronoun | adverb | noun | verb

a lot adverb

unfavorite favorite
mucho, un montón

lot pronoun

unfavorite favorite play sound

lot adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

lot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
sorteo; parte, porción; suerte; terreno, solar, lote, parcela

Example sentences of
lot noun

  • He bought the vacant lot across the street.
  • They own the house on the corner lot.
  • We took a tour of the Universal lot.
  • The organization has done much to improve the lot of underprivileged youth.
  • Unhappy with her lot in life, she moved to the city to start over.

Synonyms of
lot noun

lot verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
lotted, has lotted, is lotting, lots
dividir (artículos) en montones

Example sentences of
lot verb

  • everyone is lotted opportunities in life, and it's their responsibility to take them

Synonyms of
lot verb

Detailed synonyms for lot verb

See: Group

Reverse translation for a lot

mucho  - much, a lot, long, a long time 
mucho  - much, a lot, long, a long time 
sorteo  - drawing, raffle 
parte  - part, share, part, place, party (in negotiations, etc.), report, dispatch 
porción  - portion, part, share, serving, helping 
suerte  - luck, fortune, fate, destiny, lot, sort, kind 
terreno  - terrain, earth, ground, plot, tract of land 
solar  - lot, piece of land, site, tenement building 
lote  - part, share, batch, lot, plot of land, lot 
parcela  - parcel, tract of land 
dividir en montones  (artículos) - to divide, to split, to distribute, to share out 
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