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merriam webster

2 Translation results for tint in Spanish

noun | verb

tint noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
tint noun

  • a photo with a sepia tint
  • green with a yellowish tint
  • She got a red tint at the salon.

Synonyms of
tint noun

Detailed synonyms for tint noun

See: Color

tint verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tinted, has tinted, is tinting, tints
teñir, colorear

Example sentences of
tint verb

  • They tinted the water with blue dye.
  • if you tint that blue paint with this yellow paint, you should get a nice shade of green

Reverse translation for tint

tinte  - dye, coloring, overtone 
teñir  - to dye, to stain 
colorear  - to color, to redden, to ripen