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3 Translation results for series in Spanish

noun | sustantivo | verbo

series noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
serie, sucesión

Example sentences of
series noun

  • I watched a five-part series on the history of baseball.
  • I read a series of articles on global warming.
  • The Yankees played a three-game series against the Red Sox last week.
  • The play-off series between the two teams begins next week.
¿La palabra series está en plural? ¿Cuál es su forma singular?
  • Series es la forma singular y plural de esta palabra. Por ejemplo: This TV series is one of the best series ever broadcast on television.

serie sustantivo

series; serial

seriar verbo

to arrange in series, to arrange serially; (TV, Radio) to make a serial of, to serialize; to mass-produce

Reverse translation for series

serie  - series, serial 
sucesión  - succession, sequence, series, issue, heirs 
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