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2 Translation results for spur in Spanish

verb | noun

spur verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spurred, has spurred, is spurring, spurs
espolear (un caballo), motivar (a una persona, etc.)

Example sentences of
spur verb

  • The reward spurred them to work harder.
  • Lower interest rates should spur economic growth.
  • He spurred the horse onward.

spur noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
espuela, acicate; espolón (de aves gallináceas)

Example sentences of
spur noun

  • the threat of losing its only sports franchise was the spur the city council needed to finally do something about the rising crime rate
  • a weak wall that might need a spur

Detailed synonyms for spur noun

See: Motive
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Related phrases for spur

Reverse translation for spur

espolear  (un caballo) - to spur on 
motivar  (a una persona, etc.) - to cause, to motivate 
espuela  - spur 
acicate  - spur, incentive, stimulus 
espolón  (de aves gallináceas) - spur (of poultry), fetlock (of a horse)