Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for curar in English


curar verbo

to cure, to heal; to get well, to recover; to treat, to dress; to tan; to cure (meat)

Reverse translation for curar

to cure  - curar, sanar, remediar, curar (alimentos, etc.) 
to heal  - curar, sanar, curarse 
to recover  - recobrar, recuperarse 
to treat  - tratar (un asunto), tratar (a una persona), manejar (un objeto), invitar, convidar, tratar, atender (en medicina) 
to dress  - vestir, vestirse, decorar, adornar, preparar (pollo o pescado), aliñar (ensalada), curar, vendar (una herida) 
to tan  - broncearse, curtir (pieles), broncear 
to cure  (meat)
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