Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to disturb en español


disturb verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
disturbed, has disturbed, is disturbing, disturbs
molestar, perturbar; desordenar; inquietar, preocupar

Ejemplos de uso de
disturb verb

  • I'm sorry to disturb you at such a late hour.
  • She doesn't want to be disturbed while she's working.
  • Don't disturb the baby when he's sleeping.
  • The noise disturbed my concentration.

Sinónimos detallados para disturb verb

Ver: Disquiet

Traducción inversa para to disturb

molestar  - to be a nuisance, to annoy, to bother, to disturb, to disrupt 
perturbar  - to disturb, to trouble, to disrupt 
desordenar  - to mess up 
inquietar  - to disturb, to upset, to agitate, to worry 
preocupar  - to worry, to concern 
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