Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para offsets en español

noun | verb

offset noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
desbalance; compensación; offset

Ejemplos de uso de
offset noun

  • a better performance this time will be an offset to last year's dismal showing
  • symptoms that were striking for their abrupt onset and their equally abrupt offset

offset verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
offset, has offset, is offsetting, offsets

Ejemplos de uso de
offset verb

  • Gains in one area offset losses in another.
  • The limited storage space in the house is offset by the large garage.

Sinónimos de
offset verb

Sinónimos detallados para offset verb

Ver: Compensate

Traducción inversa para offsets

desbalance  - imbalance 
compensación  - compensation 
compensar  - to be worth one's while, to compensate for, to make up for 
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