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2 Translation results for excited in Spanish

adjective | verb

excited adjective

unfavorite favorite
excitado, estimulado; entusiasmado, emocionado

Example sentences of
excited adjective

  • We were excited to hear that they were getting married.

Synonyms of
excited adjective

excite verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
excited, has excited, is exciting, excites
excitar, mover, estimular; entusiasmar, animar; provocar, despertar, suscitar

Example sentences of
excite verb

  • ideas that excite young people
  • Our announcement excited the children.
  • The posters excited much interest in the show.

Detailed synonyms for excite verb

See: Provoke, Thrill

Reverse translation for excited

emocionado  - moved, affected by emotion, excited 
excitar  - to excite, to arouse 
mover  - to move, to shift, to shake, to nod (the head), to power, to drive, to provoke, to cause, to excite, to stir 
estimular  - to stimulate, to encourage 
entusiasmar  - to excite, to fill with enthusiasm 
animar  - to encourage, to inspire, to animate, to enliven, to brighten up, to cheer up 
provocar  - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
despertar  - to arouse, to wake, to awaken, to wake up, to elicit, to evoke 
suscitar  - to provoke, to give rise to 
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