Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para wording en español

noun | verb

wording noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
redacción, lenguaje (de un documento)

Ejemplos de uso de
wording noun

  • What's the exact wording of the agreement?
  • it's important to get the wording of this law precisely correct

word verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
worded, has worded, is wording, words
expresar, formular, redactar

Ejemplos de uso de
word verb

  • Could we word the headline differently?
  • tried to word the declaration exactly right

Traducción inversa para wording

redacción  - writing, composition, editing 
lenguaje  (de un documento) - language, speech 
expresar  - to express 
formular  - to formulate, to draw up, to make, to lodge (a protest or complaint) 
redactar  - to write, to draft, to edit 
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