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1 Resultado de traducción para widening en español


widen verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
widened, has widened, is widening, widens
ampliar, ensanchar; ampliarse, ensancharse

Ejemplos de uso de
widen verb

  • The city is going to widen the road.
  • They plan to widen the investigation.
  • Her eyes widened in surprise.
  • They went swimming at a spot where the river widens.
  • The scope of the investigation has widened.

Sinónimos detallados para widen verb

Ver: Expand

Traducción inversa para widening

ampliar  - to expand, to extend, to widen, to enlarge (photographs), to elaborate on, to develop (ideas) 
ensanchar  - to widen, to expand, to extend 
ensancharse  - to get wider, to widen, (figurative) to swell with pride, to swell up with pride 
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