Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para washed en español


wash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
washed, has washed, is washing, washes
lavar, limpiar, fregar; mojar; bañar

Ejemplos de uso de
wash verb

  • We have to wash the dishes.
  • Did you wash your hands?
  • The flooding washed sand and silt all over the area.
  • The pollution washes into rivers from nearby factories.
  • Water washed over the deck of the ship.
  • Waves washed up onto the beach.

Sinónimos de
wash verb

Frases relacionadas para washed

  • washed-up - acabado (dícese de una persona), fracasado (dícese de un negocio, etc.)
  • washed-out - pálido, lavado, desvaído (dícese de colores)

Traducción inversa para washed

lavar  - to wash, to clean, to launder (money) 
limpiar  - to clean, to clean, to cleanse, to clean up, to remove defects, to clean out (in a game), to swipe, to pinch 
fregar  - to scrub, to scour, to wash, to wash the dishes, to clean, to scrub, to annoy, to be annoying 
mojar  - to wet, to moisten, to dunk 
bañar  - to bathe, to wash, to immerse, to dip, to coat, to cover 
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