Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para warp en español

noun | verb

warp noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
urdimbre; alabeo (en la madera, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
warp noun

  • There's a warp in the floorboards.
  • an unshakable belief in the essential goodness of humankind is the warp of his philosophy

warp verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
warped, has warped, is warping, warps
alabear, combar; pandearse, alabearse, combarse; pervertir, deformar

Ejemplos de uso de
warp verb

  • The wood was warped by moisture.
  • The heat caused the wood to warp.
  • He held prejudices that warped his judgment.

Sinónimos de
warp verb

Sinónimos detallados para warp verb

Ver: Deform

Frases relacionadas para warp

Traducción inversa para warp

urdimbre  - warp (in a loom) 
alabeo  (en la madera, etc.) - warp, warping 
alabear  - to warp 
combar  - to bend, to curve 
pandearse  - to warp, to bulge, to sag 
combarse  - to bend, to buckle, to warp, to bulge, to sag 
pervertir  - to pervert, to corrupt 
deformar  - to deform, to disfigure, to distort 
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