Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para unplugging en español


unplug verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
unplugged, has unplugged, is unplugging, unplugs
destapar, desatascar; desconectar, desenchufar

Ejemplos de uso de
unplug verb

  • I forgot to unplug my guitar from the amp.
  • the chimney should work just fine once it is unplugged and cleaned out

Sinónimos de
unplug verb

Traducción inversa para unplugging

destapar  - to open, to take the top off, to reveal, to uncover, to unblock, to unclog 
desatascar  - to unblock, to clear 
desconectar  - to disconnect, to switch off, to unplug 
desenchufar  - to disconnect, to unplug 
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