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2 Resultados de traducción para to wear out en español

verb | adjective

wear out verb

unfavorite favorite
gastar; gastarse; agotar, fatigar
word of the day image
Tire with worn out treads

Ejemplos de uso de
wear out verb

  • Keeping up with twin toddlers wears me out.

worn-out adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
gastado, desgastado; agotado

Sinónimos de
worn-out adjective

Traducción inversa para to wear out

gastar  - to spend, to consume, to use up, to squander, to waste, to wear 
gastarse  - to spend, to expend, to run down, to wear out 
agotar  - to exhaust, to use up, to weary, to wear out, to sell out, to run out 
fatigar  - to fatigue, to tire 
gastado  - spent, worn, worn-out 
agotado  - exhausted, used up, sold out, worn-out, tired 
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