Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to wag en español


wag verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
wagged, has wagged, is wagging, wags
menear; menearse, moverse

Ejemplos de uso de
wag verb

  • The dog wagged its tail.
  • She wagged her finger at the children as she scolded them.
  • He wagged his head back and forth.
  • The dog's tail began to wag excitedly.

Sinónimos detallados para wag verb

Ver: Swing

Traducción inversa para to wag

menear  - to shake (one's head), to sway, to wiggle (one's hips), to wag (a tail), to stir (a liquid) 
menearse  - to wiggle one's hips, to fidget 
moverse  - to move, to move over, to hurry, to get a move on, to get moving, to make an effort 
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