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3 Resultados de traducción para to toll en español

verb | | verb

toll verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tolled, has tolled, is tolling, tolls
sonar, doblar (dícese de las campanas); tañer, sonar (una campana)

take its toll

unfavorite favorite
(figurado) dejar huella, pasar factura

Ejemplos de uso de
take its toll

  • If you keep working so hard without taking a break, the stress will eventually take its toll.

take a toll verb

unfavorite favorite
(figurado) cobrar un precio

Ejemplos de uso de
take a toll verb

  • Years of sitting in front of a computer screen can really take a toll on your eyes.

Traducción inversa para to toll

sonar  - to ring, to sound, to blow (a trumpet, a nose), to ring (bells), to look or sound familiar 
doblar  (dícese de las campanas) - to double, to turn, to toll, to ring, to fold, to bend, to turn, to dub 
tañer  - to ring (a bell), to play (a musical instrument) 
sonar  (una campana) - to ring, to sound, to blow (a trumpet, a nose), to ring (bells), to look or sound familiar 
dejar huella  (figurado)
cobrar un precio  (figurado)
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