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1 Resultado de traducción para to sound en español


sound verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sounded, has sounded, is sounding, sounds
sonar; sondar (en navegación); parecer; hacer sonar, tocar (una trompeta, etc.)

Ejemplos de uso de
sound verb

  • He sounded a confident note when he talked about the company's future plans.
  • You sound tired. You should get some rest.

Sinónimos de
sound verb

Sinónimos detallados para sound verb

Ver: Seem

Traducción inversa para to sound

sonar  - to ring, to sound, to blow (a trumpet, a nose), to ring (bells), to look or sound familiar 
sondar  (en navegación) - to sound, to probe (in medicine, drilling, etc.), to probe, to explore (outer space) 
parecer  - to seem, to look, to appear to be, to think, to have an opinion, to like, to be in agreement 
tocar  (una trompeta, etc.) - to knock, to ring, to touch, to feel, to handle, to touch on, to refer to, to concern, to affect, to play (a musical instrument)