Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to smear en español


smear verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
smeared, has smeared, is smearing, smears
embadurnar, untar (mantequilla, etc.); emborronar; calumniar, difamar
word of the day image
A baby smearing paint on her face

Ejemplos de uso de
smear verb

  • The children smeared the window with fingerprints.
  • She smeared jam on her toast.
  • Butter was smeared all over the counter.
  • Her mascara smeared when she cried.

Sinónimos detallados para smear verb

Ver: Malign

Traducción inversa para to smear

embadurnar  - to smear, to daub 
untar  (mantequilla, etc.) - to anoint, to smear, to grease, to bribe 
emborronar  - to blot, to smudge, to scribble 
calumniar  - to slander, to libel 
difamar  - to defame, to slander 
Word of the day

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