Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to nourish en español


nourish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
nourished, has nourished, is nourishing, nourishes
alimentar, nutrir, sustentar; (figurado) fomentar

Ejemplos de uso de
nourish verb

  • Vitamins are added to the shampoo to nourish the hair.
  • a friendship nourished by trust

Sinónimos de
nourish verb

Traducción inversa para to nourish

alimentar  - to feed, to nourish, to support (a family), to nurture, to foster 
nutrir  - to feed, to nourish, to foster, to provide 
sustentar  - to support, to hold up, to sustain, to nourish, to maintain, to hold (an opinion) 
fomentar  (figurado)