Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to joke en español


joke verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
joked, has joked, is joking, jokes

Ejemplos de uso de
joke verb

  • My friends would joke about the uniform I had to wear at work.
  • She joked about the possibility of losing her job.
  • I thought he was joking when he said he might quit, but it turned out that he really meant it.
  • Don't take it seriously: I was only joking.
  • She spent a few minutes joking with reporters after giving her speech.
  • She joked that she could always get work as a truck driver if she lost her job.

Traducción inversa para to joke

bromear  - to joke, to fool around 
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