Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to forage en español


forage verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
foraged, has foraged, is foraging, forages
hurgar (en busca de alimento); buscar (provisiones)
word of the day image
A pig foraging for food

Ejemplos de uso de
forage verb

  • The cows were foraging in the pasture.
  • He had to forage for firewood.

Traducción inversa para to forage

hurgar  (en busca de alimento) - to poke, to jab, to rake (a fire) 
buscar  (provisiones) - to look, to search, to look for, to seek, to pick up, to collect, to provoke 
Word of the day

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