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1 Resultado de traducción para to dodge en español


dodge verb

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dodged, has dodged, is dodging, dodges
esquivar, eludir, evadir; (informal) evadir (impuestos)

Ejemplos de uso de
dodge verb

  • He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second.
  • She dodged through the crowds as she hurried home.
  • We dodged between the cars as we raced across the street.
  • They managed to dodge the reporters by leaving through the back exit.
  • She accused him of dodging his responsibilities as a parent.

Sinónimos de
dodge verb

Sinónimos detallados para dodge verb

Ver: Escape

Traducción inversa para to dodge

esquivar  - to dodge, to evade, to avoid 
eludir  - to evade, to avoid, to elude 
evadir  - to evade, to avoid 
 (informal) evadir (impuestos)
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