Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to diminish en español


diminish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
diminished, has diminished, is diminishing, diminishes
disminuir, reducir, amainar; menguar, reducirse

Ejemplos de uso de
diminish verb

  • The strength of the army was greatly diminished by outbreaks of disease.
  • The drug's side effects should diminish over time.
  • Nothing could diminish the importance of his contributions.

Sinónimos detallados para diminish verb

Ver: Decrease

Traducción inversa para to diminish

disminuir  - to lower, to reduce, to decrease, to lower, to drop, to fall 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
amainar  - to abate, to ease up, to die down 
menguar  - to decline, to decrease, to diminish, to lessen, to wane 
reducirse  - to diminish, to reduce, to lessen 
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