Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to circulate en español


circulate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
circulated, has circulated, is circulating, circulates
circular; circular (noticias, etc.); hacer circular, divulgar

Ejemplos de uso de
circulate verb

  • Blood circulates through the body.
  • Steam circulates in the pipes.
  • A pump circulates the water through the filter.
  • Rumors are circulating around town.
  • The report circulated among the students.
  • Stories were circulated about mismanagement.
  • He is circulating a petition asking for a new election.
  • She circulated among her guests.

Sinónimos de
circulate verb

Traducción inversa para to circulate

circular  - to circulate, to move along, to drive 
circular  (noticias, etc.) - to circulate, to move along, to drive 
divulgar  - to spread, to circulate, to divulge, to reveal, to popularize