Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para to can en español

verb | verb

can verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
enlatar, envasar; despedir, echar

Ejemplos de uso de
can verb

  • She can read.

Sinónimos de
can verb

can verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
canned, has canned, is canning, cans

Sinónimos de
can verb

Traducción inversa para to can

enlatar  - to can 
envasar  - to bottle, to can, to pack in a container 
despedir  - to see off, to show out, to dismiss, to fire, to give off, to emit 
echar  - to start off, to throw, to cast, to hurl, to throw out, to expel, to emit, give off, to sprout, to put forth, to fire, to dismiss, to put in, to add 
poder  - to be able to, can, to beat, to defeat, to be possible, might, may, can, may 
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