Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para tenures en español


tenure noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
tenencia (de un cargo o una propiedad), titularidad (de un puesto académico)

Ejemplos de uso de
tenure noun

  • During his tenure as head coach, the team won the championship twice.
  • She finished her 12-year tenure with the company.
  • His tenure in office will end with the next election.
  • After seven years I was finally granted tenure.
  • He hopes to get tenure next year.
  • The defendant did not have tenure on the land.
  • land tenure in Anglo-Saxon Britain

Traducción inversa para tenures

tenencia  (de un cargo o una propiedad) - possession, holding, tenancy, tenure 
titularidad  (de un puesto académico) - ownership, title, position, office (with a title), starting position (in sports) 
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