Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para suppose en español


suppose verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
supposed, has supposed, is supposing, supposes
suponer, imaginarse; creer

Ejemplos de uso de
suppose verb

  • Suppose a fire broke out. How would we escape?
  • Just suppose for a moment that you agreed with me.
  • Supposing he refuses to help, what do we do then?
  • The renovations will cost much more than we originally supposed.

Sinónimos detallados para suppose verb

Ver: Conjecture

Traducción inversa para suppose

suponer  - to suppose, to assume, to imply, to suggest, to involve, to entail 
imaginarse  - to suppose, to imagine, to picture 
creer  - to believe, to suppose, to think 
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