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1 Resultado de traducción para substantiated en español


substantiate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
substantiated, has substantiated, is substantiating, substantiates
confirmar, probar, justificar

Ejemplos de uso de
substantiate verb

  • He substantiated his claim to local mountaineering fame with a photo of himself on the summit of Mount McKinley.
  • Mr. MacGregor couldn't substantiate that it was Peter, and not some other rabbit, in the cabbage patch.

Sinónimos detallados para substantiate verb

Ver: Certify

Traducción inversa para substantiated

confirmar  - to confirm, to substantiate 
probar  - to demonstrate, to prove, to try, to test, to try out, to try on (clothing), to taste, to sample 
justificar  - to justify, to excuse, to vindicate 
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