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2 Resultados de traducción para straightaway en español

adverb | adjective

straightaway adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound
inmediatamente, en seguida

Ejemplos de uso de
straightaway adverb

  • He found the information straightaway.
  • He got to the hospital, and straightaway he was admitted and given intravenous fluids.

straightaway adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
derecho, directo

Ejemplos de uso de
straightaway adjective

  • Her first novel was a straightaway success.
  • The doomed ship was headed on a straightaway course in the path of the iceberg.

Traducción inversa para straightaway

inmediatamente  - immediately 
derecho  - right, right-hand, straight, upright, erect 
directo  - direct, straight, immediate 
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