Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para stores en español

noun | verb

store noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
reserva; tienda
word of the day image

Ejemplos de uso de
store noun

  • I'm going to the store to buy groceries.
  • The stores are always crowded around the holiday season.

Sinónimos de
store noun

store verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stored, has stored, is storing, stores
guardar, almacenar

Ejemplos de uso de
store verb

  • I stored my furniture until I found a new apartment.
  • She stores her jewels in a safe.
  • The wine should be stored at room temperature.
  • The solar panels store energy.
  • They're studying how our brains store memories.
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Norway spruce
abeto rojo
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Traducción inversa para stores

reserva  - reservation, reserve, confidence, privacy 
tienda  - store, shop 
guardar  - to guard, to maintain, to preserve, to put away, to save, to keep (a secret or promise) 
almacenar  - to store, to put in storage