Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para stashed en español


stash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stashed, has stashed, is stashing, stashes
esconder, guardar (en un lugar secreto)

Ejemplos de uso de
stash verb

  • The police found where he had stashed the drugs.
  • The gifts were stashed in the closet.
  • He stashed the equipment under the bed.
  • We wondered what they had stashed in their backpacks.

Sinónimos de
stash verb

Sinónimos detallados para stash verb

Ver: Hide

Traducción inversa para stashed

esconder  - to hide, to conceal 
guardar  (en un lugar secreto) - to guard, to maintain, to preserve, to put away, to save, to keep (a secret or promise) 
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