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stark adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
absoluto; desolado, desierto; desnudo; severo, duro

Ejemplos de uso de
stark adjective

  • The room was decorated with stark simplicity.
  • the stark reality of death
  • This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.
  • There is a stark difference between them.
  • His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others.

Sinónimos de
stark adjective

naked adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
desnudo; desenvainado (dícese de una espada), pelado (dícese de los árboles), expuesto al aire (dícese de una llama); manifiesto, puro

Ejemplos de uso de
naked adjective

  • He was naked from the waist up.
  • Ronnie had recurrent nightmares about being naked in public.