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merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para stamped en español


stamp verb

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stamped, has stamped, is stamping, stamps
pisotear (con los pies); sellar (una factura, etc.), acuñar (monedas); franquear, ponerle estampillas a (correo)

Ejemplos de uso de
stamp verb

  • He stamped his foot in anger.
  • He stamped out of the room.
  • She stamped the bill “paid.”

Sinónimos de
stamp verb

Traducción inversa para stamped

pisotear  (con los pies) - to stamp on, to trample, to walk all over, to flout, to disregard 
sellar  (una factura, etc.) - to seal, to stamp 
acuñar  (monedas) - to rock, to cradle 
franquear  - to clear, to cross, to go through, to pay the postage on 
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