Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para spouts en español

noun | verb

spout noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pico (de una jarra, etc.); chorro

Ejemplos de uso de
spout noun

  • Water was flowing from the spout.
  • the spout of a tea kettle

Sinónimos de
spout noun

spout verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
spouted, has spouted, is spouting, spouts
lanzar chorros de; salir a chorros; (informal, figurado) parlotear, charlotear

Ejemplos de uso de
spout verb

  • The well was spouting oil.
  • She kept spouting on and on about politics.

Sinónimos de
spout verb

Traducción inversa para spouts

pico  (de una jarra, etc.) - peak, point, spike, beak, bill, pick, pickax 
chorro  - flow, stream, jet, heap, ton 
parlotear  (informal, figurado)
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