Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para sported en español


sport verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
sported, has sported, is sporting, sports
lucir, ostentar; retozar, juguetear

Ejemplos de uso de
sport verb

  • She showed up at the party sporting a bright red hat.
  • from sailing to snorkeling, each day we sported at a different activity offered by the beach resort

Sinónimos de
sport verb

Traducción inversa para sported

lucir  - to shine, to wear, to sport, to flaunt, to show off, to look good, to stand out, to seem, to appear 
ostentar  - to display, to flaunt, to have, to hold 
retozar  - to frolic, to romp 
juguetear  - to play, to cavort, to frolic, to toy, to fiddle 
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