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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para shuttle en español

noun | verb

shuttle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
vehículo que hace recorridos cortos; lanzadera (para tejer)
word of the day image
Airport shuttle

Ejemplos de uso de
shuttle noun

  • A shuttle takes people from the parking lot to the airport.

shuttle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shuttled, has shuttled, is shuttling, shuttles
ir y venir; transportar

Ejemplos de uso de
shuttle verb

  • We shuttled between the city and the country all summer.
  • A bus shuttled people from the parking lot to the dock.

Frases relacionadas para shuttle

Traducción inversa para shuttle

lanzadera  (para tejer) - shuttle (for weaving) 
transportar  - to transport, to carry, to transmit, to transpose (music) 
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